Английский язык - второй семестр

Список вопросов к тесту №7

Определите функции глаголов be и have.

  • Thin and light laptops are the best options when you have to travel your laptop.
  • Lately, interest has grown in applying mobile technology not only in consumer markets but also in business markets
  • The technological revolution is producing an explosive change in computers’ hardware
  • Two data signals are to be transmitted over two channels
  • There are a lot of other ways to use a camera that connected your computer
  • The application is being tested for bugs at the moment
  • The price of telecoms services has fallen, on average, by around 30% in the past decade
  • Energy consumption is increasing but the resources are declining
  • Many GSM network operators have roaming agreements with foreign operators
  • Mobile workers need laptops that have long battery lives use VolP
  • The easiest way to make free long-distance calls is GSM is a worldwide standard for mobile phones
  • Bubepirre noaopauyo vou artch.

Выберите подходящую форму глагола.

  • When you switch on an electric light you send a continuous flow of electncity through the wire to the bullo which fremanalit  until you switched x
  • Suppose I could see the light and youswished to signal to me a particular the light on and off as many times as next the number of flashes.
  • Therefore, to speed up the number, you could do this by switching the light on and off.
  • You operations we should to devise a system of abbreviation, or a code.
  • This is precisely what the computer designers have succe essay so that when
  • I recorded the signal
  • I could count in doing.

Используйте соответствующие формы глаголов, обращая внимание на время и залог сказуемых.

  • The Internet a powerful means of progress of the technology era.
  • Now it is deving computing power in diverse forms.
  • Net phones, Net TV sets, Not cars yes, Net world. Tom
    thed through the Internet.
  • This incredible expansion wassible mostly thanks to a piece of software that put in order the chaos of the World Wide Web.
  • We lare spvery easy to navigate the Net. you
    any human creation or experience will be / automatically about the browser.
  • This programme (is to point at something on the screen, click on it or touch it and the Net instantly links you to the information that you want..

Выберите правильный перевод форм глагола do

  • 1. A wireless network uses radio waves, just like cell phones, televisions and radios do. 
  • 2. Wireless networks do have a lot of advantages, they are easy to set up and inexpensive.
  • 3. Now employees do not simply require access to business email, calendar functions, and contacts while they are on the move.
  • 4. Does Internet banking allow users to access their accounts and check their balances?
  • 5. What sorts of tasks do you need to do when you’re away from the office? 
  • 6. We sell the latest smart phones and laptops and have problems because the tills don’t work. 
  • 7. This company made profit from voice calls as most other telecoms companies did. 
  • 8. This antivirus program does scan your PC for spyware that threatens your security.
  • 9. Our sales assistants can use Waiter Pads in the store 
  • 10. How often do you download and use a new application? 

Выберите подходящую форму глагола.

  • When you switch until you switch it off on an electric light you send / a continuous flow of electricity through the wire to the bulb which remains lit this by switching the light on and off.
  • You might flash the light and you wished to signal to me particular number; you could do the light on and off as many times as necessary so that when
  • I received he signal I could count the number of flashes. Therefore, to speed up the operations we should to try v X to devise a system of abbreviation, or a code.
  • This is precisely what the computer designers have succeeded in doing..


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